Now THIS is a glow stick!

As I walked into Comicpalooza at 2:30 PM on Friday, May 24th, I came to the conclusion that I would have to surrender my nerd credentials if I didn’t finally purchase for myself a lightsaber.

So I got one! I love it!

This handsome fellow is Andrew Robinson (the crazy lady with the sweaty hair is me), and I had the pleasure of meeting him when I went up for his autograph! He barely had any lines waiting for his autograph, which surprised me, given that there were several Star Trek related actors at the convention, but that was all the better for me, because it gave me the opportunity to tell him that I appreciated his acting and thought that he had written a Star Trek novel of better quality than most (A Stitch In Time, Star Trek Deep Space Nine #27). By the way — totally apart from my love of his acting, I really do recommend the book. It’s a good book on its own, even if you’re not a huge DS9 buff like I am, and the characterization was incredible! Plus, it’s just plain a good story!

He was so nice, he didn’t even make fun of me when I went fan-girl on him the moment I met him!

This charming gentleman is R.M. Hicks, author of the Raze The Gods comic book series ( From the web page: “Out of the vibrant and dangerous rainforests of Meso-America, shaman who once spent their lives aiding their tribe, now risk them in a magical battle against an ancient and vile race of gods. It is a time when men live in sufferance to these gods, who are not deities eager for worship, but beings to be feared. A five issue mini-series.”

I’m a big fan of independent comics, and this one is amazing! I read the entire series Monday night. The artwork is top-notch, and the stories are unique and engaging. Meeting Mr. Hicks was an awesome experience! I’m so glad I found him!

And finally, I got an autograph and a photo with Christopher Lloyd! He was very nice and sweet, and gave me a polite smile when I thanked him for signing my autograph book! This was a very nice picture of him, but I think he was exhausted after a busy weekend, because he was busy all weekend signing stuff and taking photos, and he is getting on in years.

Overall, my experience this past weekend was A+! I’m so happy I went all three days, although I think I’m going to have to limit myself to only one day next year. I don’t think I can afford to keep buying all the stuff!

I’ve been debating posting pictures of all the people in costume, but I’m hesitant. I think it’s okay to take photos and maybe share them on Facebook, but I didn’t specifically ask for permission to do so. I’m going to err on the side of caution and simply say that I had a great time and saw a LOT of costumes that took some real effort!

Now I just need to think of what to do for my vacation in August!

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