
Welcome to Paisley Tea Cup!

Hello there! I’m Madam Correspondent, a 47-year-old woman proudly living on the Autism spectrum. This blog started as a personal diary, but I quickly realized I wanted to share more about the special interests that light up my world.

Here, you’ll find a collection of my passions, insights, and experiences. Diagnosed with Autism later in life, I’m still on a journey to understand my own way of thinking. I’m using this blog as a way to explore my mind and discover who I am.

A few of my special interests you’ll often see here include:

  • Aliens, UFOs/UAPs, and Interdimensional beings: Delving into the mysteries of the universe.
  • Pop culture, particularly comic books and comic book-based movies: Exploring the vibrant world of superheroes and their stories.
  • My pets: Sharing the delightful chaos and unconditional love from my furry companions.
  • Books, writing, English literature, and storytelling: Celebrating the art of words and the magic of narratives.

Everyone is a storyteller. Everyone has a unique voice. This is my story, in my voice, and I hope, whether you’re here to find a kindred spirit, learn something new, or simply enjoy some heartfelt writing, you find what you’re looking for.

Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet. Feel free to browse, comment, and connect with me. Let’s create a space where our special interests and diverse perspectives are celebrated!

Warm regards,
Madam Correspondent