I am not computer savvy

If at any time between 2 PM yesterday and 8 AM this morning you visited my humble little abode here, you may have seen my blog looking a little jacked up.

I love this theme. I’m a big fan of pinks, purples, blues, any soft pastel colors, really, and I like the long and slender lettering in my headings. I would like a little sidebar where I could put links to various things, maybe a calendar, and maybe a search bar.

Turns out this theme doesn’t allow sidebars, and I paid for the second-cheapest WordPress blog, so it doesn’t support plugins, either.

I opted to play around with the settings and such and made a mess of my blog for a bit. I finally have it straightened out this morning, but I may decide to change to a different blog theme in order to get that sidebar. The trouble is, I want THAT theme to be flexible enough that I can make adjustments, like a pastel purple background and deep purple writing, or pretty fonts.

There’s a serious dearth of pretty themes on WordPress. I’d really rather have some girly themes like this one available.

If anybody knows of any pretty themes that have a sidebar, please give me a head’s up!

Edit: I played around with another theme, but I just can’t find one with the font or color styles that I like. I’ll stick with LoFi for now.

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